Though Dr. Stephanie Montgomery has saved countless lives with her eleventh-hour interventions in the...
Lori Miller Kase
Litchfield County potter Guy Wolff, whose handmade clay pots can be found in the...
Middlesex Health physician Justin Goralnik was first introduced to critical care during his medical...
Saint Francis podiatrist Danielle Butto, who graduated from the University of Akron with a...
For years, Warren Rabeck’s sleep was interrupted by a constant need to urinate. The...
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center rheumatologist Dr. Weishali Joshi always wanted to be...
Brick and mortar bookstores are increasingly a relic of the past, yet Connecticut still...
For writers and readers in the Nutmeg State, inspiration is all around
Breast surgeon Kristen Zarfos joined the Middlesex Hospital Surgical Alliance only a few months...
Last spring, The Washington Post declared that “poetry is going extinct,” citing a recent...